22 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing Adherence to the Treatment in Stroke Patients

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    Adherence in stroke patients for routine re-control is at 50% of total stroke patients. Non-adherence can increase the incidence of recurrent strokes. In stroke recurrence, disability and mortality will increase. This study aimed to determine the factors influencing treatment adherence in stroke patients based on literature studies. This study used a literature study with a sample of 14 journals: Pubmed (n=7), Proquest (n=4), SAGE Journal (n=1), and Science Direct (n=2). The literature study began with identifying data search problems, screening, and quality assessment using JBI cross-sectional studies, cohort studies, qualitative studies, dan Randomized Control trials and analyzed using thematic analysis techniques. As many as 35% of the factors that influence adherence to treatment in stroke patients are beliefs about treatment factors, and social factors and knowledge influence 15% of factors. Economic factors have an estimated percentage of 11% for physical characteristics, and marital status has a rate of 8%; also, age and gender factors have the same presentation, namely 4%. The factor that most influences medication adherence in stroke patients is the belief in the treatment. Keywords: factors, influence, treatment adherence, stroke patient


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    Gangguan tidur dipandang sebagai masalah potensial yang terjadi pada pasien pasca stroke. Dalam mengatasi gangguan tidur dibutuhkan intervensi psikologis dan perilaku. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh teknik relaksasi Benson dikombinasikan dengan Sleep Hygiene Education (SHE) terhadap kualitas tidur pasien pasca stroke. Metode yang digunakan quasi experiment pre-post test design with control group. Dari 58 responden, 30 responden kelompok intervensi menerapkan relaksasi Benson dikombinasikan dengan SHE dan 28 responden menerapkan relaksasi Benson sebagai kelompok kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada peningkatan kualitas tidur pada kedua kelompok (p=0,0001) setelah perlakuan dan terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara dua kelompok tersebut (p=0,0001). Relaksasi Benson dikombinasikan dengan SHE direkomendasikan sebagai salah satu terapi non farmakologi untuk mengoptimalkan kualitas tidur pada pasien pasca stroke


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    Stroke merupakan penyakit keluarga yang dapat mempengaruhi kualitas hidup penderita stroke itu sendiri dan juga family caregiver yang merawatnya. Family caregiver mempunyai peran besar dalam perawatan pasien stroke, namun mereka tidak selalu siap dalam menjalankan perannya. Mereka juga melaporkan beberapa kebutuhan yang tidak terpenuhi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi kebutuhan family caregiver pada pasien stroke di Rumah Sakit Wava Husada Kepanjen, Malang. Jenis penelitian menggunakan desain deskriptif kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 62 family caregiver pasien stroke yang diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner FNQ (Family Needs Questionnaire) setelah dilakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar responden berusia 36-45 tahun (33,9%), perempuan (69,4%), berpendidikan SMP (45,2%), ibu rumah tangga (46,8%), dan merawat pasien dengan jenis stroke iskemik (72,6%). Kebutuhan informasi kesehatan menjadi kebutuhan sangat penting yang paling utama (89,96%) pada family caregiver, berikutnya ada kebutuhan dukungan professional (88,30%), kebutuhan dukungan komunitas (87,30%), kebutuhan dukungan emosional (80,19%), kebutuhan keterlibatan dalam perawatan (78,71%) dan dukungan instrumental (66,49%). Kebutuhan informasi kesehatan, dukungan instrumental, dukungan emosional, dukungan komunitas, dukungan professional dan dukungan keterlibatan dalam perawatan sangat dibutuhkan oleh family caregiver dalam merawat anggota keluarganya yang terserang stroke

    The Correlation Between Body Mass Index (BMI) and Hemodialysis Adequacy in Hemodialysis Patients

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    Hemodialysis is the most common renal replacement therapy in patients with chronic kidney disease and has a dose that must be achieved, known as hemodialysis adequacy. In fact, many hemodialysis patients do not reach the hemodialysis adequacy target. There are three main factors affecting hemodialysis adequacy: the solute, the patient, and the dialysis process. Patient factors are important because these factors can be modified, intervened, and anticipated by nurses. One of the interesting patient factors to study is the Body Mass Index (BMI). The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between BMI and hemodialysis adequacy. This research was conducted in November 2021. This study used a cross-sectional design with a consecutive sampling technique and comprised of 84 samples that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The data were collected by using recording data from the medical records of hemodialysis patients. BMI using post-hemodialysis weight parameters and hemodialysis adequacy were assessed by looking at the Kt/V score. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between BMI and hemodialysis adequacy (p=0.001) with moderate strength and negative pattern (r=-0.362); this means that the greater the BMI value, the less hemodialysis adequacy. The results indicated that maintaining a normal BMI can increase hemodialysis adequacy in patients. This can prevent complications, improve quality of life, reduce treatment costs, and reduce the frequency of hospitalization. Keywords: hemodialysis adequacy, body mass index, chronic kidney diseas

    Nurses' Anxiety Levels in the Covid-19 Isolation Room

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    During the Covid-19 pandemic, the medical team, including nurses, have struggled in isolation rooms, helping patients. Isolation rooms pose a greater risk than regular treatment rooms and direct contact can increase the risk of infection. Nurses’ anxiety may be high; they may be worried not only about the risk of transmitting Covid-19 to themselves, but also to their families at home, especially for those who are in vulnerable groups. This study aimed to identify the anxiety level of nurses in the Covid-19 isolation room at Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang Hospital. This was a descriptive observational study conducted from May 25 - June 3, 2021 with 16 nurses. The nurses’ anxiety was measured using the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale Questionnaire. The results showed that 13 nurses (81.25%) in the Covid-19 isolation room had mild anxiety levels. Keywords: anxiety, nurse, Covid-19, isolation roo

    Factors Affecting Coping Strategies in Post-Stroke Patients: A Literature Study

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    Strokes can cause disability and death. The disability experienced causes post-stroke stress syndrome, which results in maladaptive coping strategies. Coping strategies is important because it affects the patient’s outcome and recovery. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence coping strategies in post-stroke patients based on the results of a literature study. Journals from several databases such as Google Scholar (n=8), ProQuest (n=5), Science Direct (n=1), PubMed (n=1), and Springer Link (n=3) were selected. The data search used several keywords and conjunctions (AND and OR). Based on specified criteria such as journals within the last 5 years (2016-2020), in English, research articles, open access, and full text, post-stroke patient population, intervention, and comparison according to research methods, journal findings, and outcomes that discuss coping strategies. Journal findings were tested for quality using the adjusted JBI and analysed using thematic analysis. The results showed that several factors influenced coping strategies in post-stroke patients such as psychological (16%), social support (13%), self-ability (13%), sequelae (10%), spiritual (9%), stroke severity (9%), material (6%), dependence (6%), rehabilitation (6%), care (3%), gender (3%), lack of information (3%), and perception of disease (3%). Coping strategies for post-stroke patients that focus on problems and emotions. Keywords: Post Stroke, Coping Strategies, Patien


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    Abstrak: Angka kematian akibat injuri secara global terhitung 9% di seluruh dunia. Kecelakaan lalu lintas (KLL) dikenal sebagai masalah kesehatan umum di dunia pada abad ini. KLL menyebabkan peristiwa besar yang dapat mengakibatkan hilangnya nyawa manusia pada kejadian sehari-hari. Dari permasalahan tersebut perlu solusi dengan memberikan informasi yang sesuai pedoman terstandar mengenai pertolongan pertama pada injuri sehingga keparahan injuri dapat dicegah dan selanjutnya dapat mengurangi angka mortalitas yang disebabkan oleh KLL. Mitra yang terlibat dalam kegiatan ini sebanyak 20 orang relawan lalu lintas di Malang. Metode pelaksanaan program pengabdian ini meliputi pendampingan dan pelatihan pertolongan pertama pada kecelakaan lalu lintas (lifting moving, kontrol perdarahan, balut bidai, evakuasi dan transportasi). Setelah dilakukan kegiatan pelatihan manajemen prehospital korban KLL terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan dan pemahaman, keterampilan relawan lalu lintas terkait pengkajian pasien KLL prehospital, manajemen perdarahan dan pembidaian serta cara pemindahan pasien yang aman.Abstract:  The fatality rate due to injury is accounted for 9% worldwide. Traffic accidents are known as a public health problem in the world in this century. Traffic accidents causes major events that can result in loss of human life in everyday events. Of these problems need a solution by providing information according to standardized guidelines regarding first aid in injury so that the severity of injury can be prevented and subsequently can reduce mortality rates caused by Traffic accidents. Partners involved in this activity are 20 traffic volunteers in Malang. The method of implementing this service program includes assistance and training in first aid in traffic accidents (lifting moving, bleeding control, splint dressing, evacuation and transportation). After conducting prehospital management training activities there was an increase in knowledge and understanding, traffic volunteer skills related to prehospital patient assessment, bleeding management and stenting as well as safe transfer of patients

    The Life Diabetes Conversation Map Improves Control of Diabetes Among the Elderly: Challenges and Modifications for the Indonesian Community - An Integrative Review

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    The number of people who have diabetes has been increasing rapidly. Diabetes is a chronic illness that requires continuous intervention to prevent long-term complications and lower the financial burden of treatments. In the elderly, diabetes is linked to higher mortality, reduced functionality, and increased risk of hospitalization. Educational tools that cater to the elderly need to be used to improve the quality and outcomes of patient education among those with diabetes. This paper discussed strategies for improvement using the Life Diabetes Conversation Map in diabetes self-management education among the elderly with diabetes. We conducted a non-systematic search to find evidence from online databases using the keywords: diabetes conversation map, diabetes education, and elderly. Then, we discussed and conducted an integrative review of the Life Diabetes Conversation Map based on how it works, and the benefits and the feasibility or challenges for the Indonesian community. Our findings suggested that the Diabetes Conversation Map was an innovative patient educational tool that used interactive group participation to empower people with diabetes to become actively involved in managing the disease. The maps are a series of pictorial guides through which people engage in discussion and share their beliefs and their experiences of living with diabetes which has many benefits. Challenges for the Indonesian community included needing further innovation for proper language and cultural adjustment and integration into the Public Health Centers’ activities as a primary health care service. Along with these activities, elders could join cooking activities or regular aerobic exercise. Keywords: self-management education, Diabetes conversation maps, public health center activity, elderl

    Pengaruh kombinasi lantunan Asma’ul Husna dan slow deep breathing terhadap tingkat kecemasan pada pasien hemodialisis

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    Background: Patients undergoing hemodialysis usually experience anxiety because they are afraid of there being worse progress of disease and fear of physical changes. Muslims believe that by reciting AL-Asmaul alHusna (Allah's Most Beautiful Names) in the healing process with a soft sound and combining with slow deep breathing that can provide calm and create a relaxed state. Purpose: To determine the effect of the level of anxiety by listening Asmaul Husna (The 99 Allah's Beautiful Names) and slow deep breathing undergoing hemodialysis therapy. Method: This study used a pre-experimental one-group pre and post-test design. Sampling using purposive sampling with a sample of 40 participants, conducted in the Hemodialysis ward at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang Hospital from February to March 2020. The instrument used was the STAI (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory) scale which contained 20 items. Data was analyzed using the Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks Test. Results: The participant’s score of anxiety before the intervention was 76.72 and after the intervention was 51.92. Obtain p value = 0.000. Conclusion: There is an effect of reciting AL-Asmaul al-Husna (Allah's Most Beautiful Names) and slow deep breathing undergoing hemodialysis therapy and is expected as an alternative of the non-pharmacological intervention options to reduce anxiety levels and facilitate patients undergoing hemodialysis to relax